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Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re thinking of getting your first or second tattoo, you probably have Plenty of questions. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about getting a tattoo, like pain, healing time , costs etc ,etc

I have been working with international standards all over the world for the last 15 years and probably with the most strict regulations in Germany and Austria following all recommended safety precautions. Getting tattooed is perfectly safe. Make sure you’re fully honest about any medical conditions, so we can advice you best on what to do prior, during or after the tattooing procedure.

Pain is relative. Everyone has a different pain threshold. We’re not going to trick you, it does hurt. But how much? Well , it is a sensation that some describe similar to scratching, some others describe as pinching, the true is that people would not be returning again and again for more if it hurt that bad. Nobody likes pain, or most of us at least 🙂 but the feeling of achievement after the tattoo is completed and the pride associated with it far outweighs all of the simply will want more and more. Yes !!! It is addictive….you will be picking your next tattoo as you getting your first one.

Yes, you can. We have different numbing agents to be used before, during and after the tattoo. We recommend you to have a free consultation with us to explain you in depth about them and how to use them correctly.

What we don’t recommend at all, it is that you go to the chemist, get some numbing agents and don’t tell us about it, You most likely will buy the wrong product , and make our job more difficult reflecting in longer tattoo sessions, poor healing, and need of rework where you would have to pay again

When it comes to tattoos, you get what you pay for. Yes, cheaper means less experience or longer sessions. If you paying by the hour that means more $$$.

Look for quality, experience and more than anything warranty, and be willing to pay for it.

Love bargaining?? It is disrespectful to the artist. But if you willing to sacrifice ideas, designs or sizing then you may be lucky and we may give you a special rate.

Tipping is a really An American thing. Most Europeans countries or even Australians are not into it, however it is always welcome and feels great when a client shows excitement and it is very grateful for all the hard work.

This is a very personal subject. Remember, this is for you and not your mum ,sister, friends ,etc. Be happy with who you are, you are going to wear it ,no one else. You can choose a picture off the wall, or we can create a custom piece just for you. The sky and your imagination are the limit. As far as Placement? Listen to the artist, we do this every day.

Although you can get a tattoo any time of the year, your skin gets a lot more abuse during the summer with swimming, surfing, wakeboarding, sun bathing and all the fun stuff…just being out there will stress your skin more. So the answer is avoid the sun as much as possible for a couple of weeks, be mindful of looking after your tattoo and you will be fine , hey we live on the Gold Coast , sunny one day ..perfect the next one.

Getting a tattoo when your immune system isn’t at 100% isn’t a good idea. Prepare your self a week or two before your appointment. Eat well. Healthy , have a good rest and good sleep the night before. Get the sugar levels up and have a good breakfast. If you are unwell and you have an appointment, call and reschedule for when you’re feeling well again.

Internet is the best source of ideas, pictures, and tattoos. We would like to see rather than imagine. We need to be on the same page and for that we would like references. References are the most important part of the process of creating a new piece for you. Once we have those guidelines be assure we will make you happy.

It might be really tempting to get some tanning while enjoying beautiful Australian beaches or maybe hit up the tanning salon, but before you ruin your tattoo, please do not. We need a clean smooth canvas to create a beautiful piece of artwork.

Do not do it. Don’t let him fool you. Your friend is your friend and should be looking after you. Why would he put your Skin and body in danger? . Apprentice opportunities are way more physible these days than before. Working along other artists and having a mentor (master) will be not only much better but a lot faster.